COVID-19 and Food Safety


COVID-19 and Food Safety

Research has shown that there is no significant risk of COVID-19 transmission through food or food packaging (U.S. Food and Drug Administration, FDA, 2020). Unlike viruses such as Norovirus and Hepatitis A, which are foodborne and affect the digestive system, viruses like SARS and COVID-19 that target the respiratory system are mainly transmitted from person to person through respiratory droplets, particularly through the air (coughing, sneezing).

Food or food packaging is not considered a source of transmission for these viruses.

However, it is possible for an individual to contract or transmit COVID-19 by touching a surface or object contaminated with the virus and then touching their mouth, nose, or possibly eyes. Nevertheless, this is not considered the primary mode of transmission for the virus.

Despite this, it is always important to follow the four key principles of food safety (keep it clean, separate, cook it well, and keep it cool) to prevent any foodborne illnesses.

The production team at PACHA rigorously follows all these principles and more to eliminate any foodborne risks, regardless of their source. The goal is to deliver healthy and delicious food to you. The production facility at ÖzyeÄŸin University Campus, where PACHA is produced by food engineers, was also disinfected specifically for the COVID-19 virus as a precaution following the outbreak in our country.

In these challenging times, we understand that your expectations for what you eat include both food safety and nutritional value. We produce PACHA with this awareness and perspective.

With respect and love,

The PACHA Family


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