The Benefits of Regular Collagen Consumption for the Skin


The Benefits of Regular Collagen Consumption for the Skin

Who wouldn't want to have a more youthful-looking skin? Research shows that many people invest significant time, effort, and resources in anti-aging practices. A significant part of anti-aging treatments aims to address skin sagging and wrinkles to achieve a more beautiful, firm, and hydrated complexion. While topical treatments (directly applied to the skin, such as creams, solutions, and local injections) are common practices to enhance skin appearance, there is a belief that oral treatments are less effective due to the breakdown of components in the acidic environment of the gastrointestinal tract.

Scientific studies, however, shed light on the effectiveness of collagen in this context. Numerous studies have shown that hydrolyzed collagen is absorbed in the intestines and is subsequently delivered to the skin and joints through the bloodstream.

A diet rich in collagen can lead to significant improvements in skin appearance. Many clinical studies conducted on humans and animals have demonstrated that collagen peptides consumed through nutrition are highly digested and reach various skin layers. Skin dryness and the accelerated breakdown of the collagen network are distinct features of skin aging. Nutrition plays a vital role in improving skin health and, consequently, its appearance. Various dietary supplements are available to enhance skin health, and collagen peptides are used as a bioactive component in nutricosmetic products, showing that they improve the skin barrier function, induce collagen and hyaluronic acid synthesis, and promote fibroblast growth and migration.

An experiment involving 120 individuals who consumed a daily collagen product for 90 days showed a general increase in skin elasticity (+40%; p < 0.0001) compared to a placebo group. Histological analysis of skin biopsies revealed a decrease in solar elastosis and improved collagen fiber organization in the product group. These results were corroborated by individuals' self-perception, as participants reported that their skin felt more hydrated and elastic. Additionally, collagen consumption reduced joint pain by 43% and increased joint mobility by 39%.

Collagen bioactive peptides, when combined with chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine, L-carnitine, vitamins, and minerals, significantly improved clinical parameters of skin aging and joint health.

Another significant study conducted in Japan investigated the effects of hydrolyzed collagen supplementation on skin hydration. The study compared 20 healthy Japanese women who received collagen supplements with a group of 19 women who did not. The results showed that Japanese women who took daily collagen supplements had increased skin hydration compared to those who did not take collagen supplements.

Furthermore, there is another study that presents the beneficial effects of daily collagen peptide intake on skin hydration. In this study, people reported subjective improvements in their skin condition after consuming fish collagen peptides for six weeks. The percentage of positive responses was very high.

In another study, 32 healthy volunteers consumed collagen peptides daily for 12 weeks. They took 3g of collagen and 500mg of vitamin C daily. This study evaluated skin properties like hydration, transepidermal water loss, and elasticity, revealing that daily collagen peptide intake improved skin hydration and elasticity. Additionally, the combined intake of low-dose vitamin C enhanced the effects of collagen peptides on skin properties.

PACHA, with its natural collagen content, is a highly functional food with high bioavailability as it gets absorbed in the intestines. Specifically, Ginger and Lemon PACHA, designed to harness the benefits of ginger and the rich vitamin C content of lemon, facilitates the faster and more effective absorption of collagen peptides by the body. PACHA's clean ingredients, free from artificial sweeteners and preservatives, ensure that your body, and therefore your skin, is not burdened with chemicals. With PACHA, you can meet your collagen needs with a fresh and clean food straight from your kitchen instead of a laboratory, all while enjoying a healthy and delicious snack!


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