New Flavor: Date PACHA


New Flavor: Date PACHA

We are excited to introduce you to the sixth and latest variety of PACHA Chips, Hurmalı PACHA. At Guru Healthy Foods, we are committed to providing "healthy food in the light of science." We continuously strive to improve and develop our PACHA Chips based on valuable feedback from our customers.

Why Dates?
Dates are among the oldest fruits known to humankind. In fact, date palm trees are considered one of the oldest trees on Earth. They have a rich history, with references found in ancient texts and artworks from Mesopotamia, the Arabian Peninsula, and the Mediterranean coast, including the civilizations of Sumer, Akkad, Assyria, Egypt, and early Arabic cultures. Dates were even mentioned in the Hammurabi Code, where they were valued equally to silver. Date palms are known for their resilience and longevity, with one tree typically bearing fruit for about 200 years.

Energy Powerhouse
Dates are a significant source of energy and can provide a substantial portion of your daily energy needs after consumption. This energy comes from the high fructose content, making up about 65% of the composition of ripe dates.

Nutrient-Rich and Healthy
Dates are highly nutritious and deserve a place in our daily diet, not just during Ramadan. They are packed with nutrients and have a low glycemic index due to their high fiber content. Additionally, dates are rich in antioxidants, which provide several health benefits.


Calories 277 kcal
Carbohydrate 75 gr
Protein 2.2 gr
Fat 0.15


Fiber (pulp) 9,3 gr
 vitamin A 0,5 gr
vitamin B1 0,1 mg
vitamin B2 0,1mg
vitamin B3 2,2 mg
vitamin B6 0,153 mg
vitamin B9 24.9 mcg
vitamin C 3 mg
Ca 59 mg
Fe  3 mg
Na  5,4 mg
700 mg
Mg  58 mg

The Benefits of Dates:
1. Provide essential nutrients and energy to your daily diet.
2. Promote bone health due to their high calcium content.
3. Strengthen the immune system with their antioxidants.
4. Help regulate blood pressure by maintaining potassium balance.
5. Assist in blood production, making them beneficial for anemia.
6. Dates are among the most energy-, fiber-, and mineral-rich fruits compared to other fruits.

The high antioxidant value of dates is believed to be linked to their digestive system and anti-aging effects. Both fresh and dried dates contain at least five times more antioxidant compounds compared to similar fruits.

Why Hurmalı PACHA?
At PACHA, we use natural fruits and vegetables in their most natural form to create a natural protein and collagen chip. With the latest addition, Hurmalı PACHA, our goal is to combine the rich vitamins and minerals found in dates with high protein and collagen to provide a healthy and delightful snack for our consumers.

Hurmalı PACHA aims to offer a solution for those with a sweet tooth. It's perfect for children who often say, "I won't eat it if it's not sweet!" Hurmalı PACHA keeps them away from harmful snacks while providing a protein-rich treat, positively influencing their dietary habits.

For those who need to satisfy sweet cravings during a collagen intake, Hurmalı PACHA does the job with its natural fruit sugar (fructose) content. It's also ideal for those who wish to have a healthy snack alongside their tea or coffee, providing sweetness, protein, and collagen without excessive calories.

How to Consume:
Like all PACHA varieties, you can enjoy Hurmalı PACHA on its own, as a crispy snack.
Pair it with tea or coffee for a sweet break or snack.
Add it to your yogurt or salads for extra flavor and nutrition.
Is there a specific time?
Since PACHA provides your body with collagen as a natural food, there is no specific time you need to follow. The essential aspect is to consume it regularly to ensure that the relevant amino acid stores in your body are replenished and delivered to the required locations. According to numerous international academic studies, the ideal duration for daily, uninterrupted consumption is at least 90 days. Since PACHA is entirely natural and free from additives, we recommend using it continuously for as long as you desire, even after the initial 90 days.

We look forward to meeting you with our new varieties and products.

The PACHA Family

Said SA, Khan SA, Mohajir MS. A study of the digestive effect of dates on sucrose and starch. Pak J Pharm Sci 2007;20(2):112-4.
Aktürk, Zekeriya. “Besin DeÄŸeri ve SaÄŸlık Açısından Hurma (Phoenix dactylifera).” Konuralp Tıp Dergisi 4.3 (2012): 62-68.


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