Which Collagen Should I Use?


Which Collagen Should I Use?

One of the first questions that those who realize the miracle of collagen ask is which collagen to use. We recommend the "natural one" as the quickest answer.

As you may know, the basic building blocks of our body are proteins, and collagen, in particular, is a structural protein that accounts for one-third of our total proteins and plays a vital role in our lives.

Collagen acts as the glue that holds our body together, connecting joints and tendons. Another essential function is the renewal of dead skin cells, increasing elasticity in the skin, thus promoting a youthful appearance. This is a brief summary of the benefits of collagen, but there are countless other advantages that we can't list exhaustively.

Choosing natural collagen leads us to questions about how long to use collagen, which is the best collagen brand, and how to use collagen. The answer to the question of which collagen to use naturally leads us to these questions:

When using natural collagen, there is no need to take breaks after a certain period since there is no chemical buildup or burden on the body due to collagen. 

Because no chemicals are used in its production or collagen extraction, there is no accumulation of any chemicals in our kidneys, and there is no need for our kidneys to rest. Therefore, you have the opportunity to use PACHA Chips, which contain natural collagen, as much as you want throughout the year.

Academic studies conducted both domestically and internationally suggest that collagen should be used for a minimum of 90 days to achieve significant results in joint problems, fractures, and protection against skin aging. This also answers questions about how often collagen should be used and how long collagen should be used.

As natural collagen is better absorbed by the body, the recent trend of matching daily milligram doses is no longer a necessity. In summary, it can be said that lower-milligram natural collagen is as effective as, if not more effective than, higher-milligram chemically processed collagen.

With PACHA Chips, you can consume natural collagen as much as you want and continuously without any time constraints, keeping your body clean and healthy during this process.


1-Borumand M, Sibilla S. Effects of a nutritional supplement containing collagen peptides on skin elasticity, hydration and wrinkles. J Med Nutr Nutraceut [serial online] 2015 [cited 2020 Apr10];4:47-53

2-Sumida E, Hirota A, Kuwaba K. The effect of oral ingestion of collagen peptide on skin hydration and biochemical data of blood. J Nutr Food  2004;7:45-52 [6]Matsumoto H, Ohara H, Ito K, Nakamura Y, Takahashi S. Clinical effect of fish type I collagen hydrolysate on skin properties. ITE Lett Batteries New Technol Med 2006;7:386-390.

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