Where Can Collagen Be Found in Foods, and PACHA Chips


Where Can Collagen Be Found in Foods, and PACHA Chips

Collagen is only naturally found in animal-based foods in nature. In plant-based foods, there are options referred to as "collagen-like," rich in protein and with a sequence that approaches real collagen. However, unfortunately, plant-based collagen does not exist naturally. Nevertheless, biotechnology and cell-based artificial meat studies are underway to produce non-natural plant-based collagen.

What foods contain collagen?
In nature, red meats, poultry, and fish are the primary sources of collagen. Especially the offal of large livestock contains a high amount of collagen. That's why when it comes to collagen, one of the most common recommendations we hear on TV, in newspapers, on social media, and various platforms is the consumption of "paça çorbası" (tripe soup).

The answer to the question of where collagen can be found is paça çorbası, which is the number one recommendation for collagen. However, consuming it every day may be challenging for various reasons. Besides, not everyone is fond of it, even among those who like it. Even for those who love it, there are challenges such as cooking it or finding a good place to eat it when going out every day.

Taking all this into consideration, we have developed and produced PACHA Chips for you, which contain the essence of paça (tripe) in a convenient form. These chips adhere to the tradition, are easy to carry in your pocket or bag, and have reduced cholesterol.

Throughout this process, we have not compromised on naturalness. On the contrary, we have strived to become one of the best food producers in Turkey to apply the concept of a clean label. We even considered it our duty to increase consumer awareness on this matter.

Our founder, Food Engineer Dr. Aslı ZuluÄŸ, whether during her time at ÖzyeÄŸin University's Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Department, her previous roles in companies, or when giving lectures at BoÄŸaziçi University and Yeditepe University, has always aimed to raise consumer awareness of reading labels.

This idealistic academician, along with her team, attached great importance to making PACHA Chips a clean-labeled product from the very beginning. She directed her R&D and production engineers with this vision.

As you can see on the back of the packages of PACHA Chips, the ingredient list is very short and clear.

This is because PACHA Chips are produced with very few ingredients. They contain no chemical additives, sweeteners, or preservatives for extending shelf life.

Fresh vegetables and fruits used for the taste of the varieties are also carefully selected. They are added to PACHA Chips to enhance collagen absorption, enrich with vitamins and minerals, and create different flavors.

Now it's up to you to enjoy the taste and support your health.

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