How do athletes eat?


How do athletes eat?

+ Hello, everyone! Today, we are here with Turkey's fastest runner. Should we call you a national athlete, a marathon runner, or how should we describe you?

- Hello, all descriptors work because what I do applies to various disciplines. I am a national athlete, a marathon runner, an athlete; they call me "the escaping man," "the running man" – all these descriptions are apt because my work revolves around running.

+ Achieving this remarkable performance undoubtedly requires a remarkable work ethic, doesn't it?
- Absolutely, in our line of work, discipline is a must. Plans are non-negotiable. Without these elements, you cannot become a good athlete, let alone reach this level. When you lose control, that's when injuries or performance drops in and says, "Here I am."

+ To achieve perfect success, we also need to take excellent care of the perfect body we are in. How do you take care of your body?
- Definitely, the better you take care of your body, the better it responds. You must have quality sleep, nutrition is essential, and you shouldn't miss your training sessions. When you believe in what you do, success naturally follows.

+ It requires a high level of consistency and stability. I guess this is not a seasonal thing based on your competition calendar or the time of the year; it's a lifestyle. Especially when it comes to nutrition.
- Absolutely, nutrition and training are essential. Our work involves being in sync with nature. Since we do this sport in the heat of summer and the cold of winter, it's necessary to practice every day. When you combine quality nutrition with quality training, that's when success comes.

+ How do you define quality nutrition, what does quality nutrition mean to you?
- For quality nutrition, I would say this: there's a maximum daily intake of calories and proteins that a person can get. The goal is to find the most natural, least destructive option for your body. If you can understand how to take care of your body, your body can reciprocate. You must ensure you have proper sleep, and your nutrition is essential. It's important not to miss meals and to believe in what you do. If you do all of this, success will come on its own.

+ You must carefully adjust the quantities and sources of different food groups. Do you do this on your own, or do you work with a dietitian?
- Absolutely, in places where there's no dietitian, like in an African camp, for instance, I go out and find the freshest meat. If necessary, I buy and slaughter the sheep myself. Then I portion them in my fridge according to the maximum amounts I can consume per meal. Since protein digestion takes a bit more effort, it strains the liver. We aim to minimize this and ensure an easier digestion. We cut down on meat a bit, then what's closest to meat? Chicken or legumes. We adjust our protein intake this way so that digestion is efficient.

+ So, you must consume smart foods, meaning that you're talking about foods that are efficient for your body, irrespective of their quantity or your own quantity. You're searching for what suits you.
- Exactly, we're trying to do this through trial and error. The system is set; it's about prevention. For example, we consume protein after to minimize breakdown. Or, before training, we consume carbohydrates. But I need to know which carbohydrates work best for me. So, I choose the one that suits me best because we don't take risks. We do this by trying and testing. We know the system; we are cautious during training sessions and take risks only in competitions. Risk in competitions is not good for us.

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