Can Collagen Be Consumed with Smoking?


Can Collagen Be Consumed with Smoking?

"Can Collagen Be Consumed with Smoking?" is a topic often researched, especially by those who want to support their body with collagen and have not yet given up the habit of smoking.

Aging, smoking, and alcohol, as well as factors like reduced oxygen in the body, nutritional deficiencies, and exposure to sunlight and other external factors, cause collagen synthesis in the body to decrease from the mid-20s onwards. [1]

Collagen loss leads to skin aging, joint pains, delayed wound healing, and a more aged appearance. In cases of collagen deficiency, problems such as skin dryness, sagging, weakened nails and hair, fatigue, decreased muscle mass, and rheumatic diseases may occur.

One of the biggest enemies of collagen is smoking. Smoking reduces the amount of collagen in the skin, causing it to dry.

The components in cigarettes lead to the release of an enzyme that disrupts the vital structures of our body, namely collagen and elastin. Therefore, it is crucial to avoid smoking. Those who do not smoke have a faster collagen production. [2]


- Causes wrinkles.
- Narrows the blood vessels in the outer layers of our skin, posing a significant threat to our skin health, in addition to our overall health.

In addition to these effects, smoking is also associated with very serious diseases. Quitting smoking is of great importance to protect against all of these effects.


[1] Bilek, S. E., & Bayram, S. K. (2015). Kolajen Hidrolizatının Fonksiyonel Bir Bileşen Olarak Gıda Endüstrisinde Kullanılması. Akademik Gıda, 13(4), 327-334. [2] Kelleher, J. E., Siegmund, T., & Chan, R. W. (2014). Collagen microstructure in the vocal ligament: initial results on the potential effects of smoking. The Laryngoscope, 124(9), E361–E367.


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