Losing Weight with Collagen


Losing Weight with Collagen

Can I lose weight with collagen? Does collagen help with weight loss or cause weight gain? These are some of the questions that come to mind for individuals considering collagen supplements. Collagen is not a protein that contributes to weight gain, and collagen supplements are not designed to promote weight gain; rather, they are often used as part of a weight loss or health regimen. [1]

Collagen, actively present in the human body, is structurally a protein. Proteins incorporated into your diet:

- Keep you feeling full for longer.
- Help reduce fat tissue and strengthen muscle tissue.
- Assist in strengthening joints and tightening the skin.
- Aid in the proper functioning of the intestinal system and help regulate metabolism. [2]

Collagen protein peptides are much more filling than other protein types. Research and experiments have shown that collagen creates a feeling of fullness 40% greater than other protein types, contributing to a sense of satiety. Because of this satiety effect, collagen can support the weight loss process and help reduce appetite.

Clinical research on patients battling obesity has shown that the intake of hydrolyzed collagen triggers the release of hunger hormones in the blood. Patients in the study reported feeling fuller throughout the process, which resulted in consuming fewer harmful foods. This, in turn, led to easier weight loss. 

In conclusion, while collagen may not directly impact weight loss, it can indirectly support the process. [3]

When choosing a collagen supplement, it's essential to consider the content of the products in terms of weight control. Products containing synthetic sugars, sweeteners, and artificial flavor enhancers may promote weight gain. Therefore, individuals asking questions such as "Does collagen supplements cause weight gain?" or anyone who values healthy eating should consume collagen supplements with sugar-free foods or liquids. [1]

[1] https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/food-junkie/201803/can-collagen-really-help-you-lose-weight#:~:text=So%20collagen%20can%20help%20you,pain%20due%20to%20physical%20activity. 

[2] Tak, Y. J., Kim, Y. J., Lee, J. G., Yi, Y. H., Cho, Y. H., Kang, G. H., & Lee, S. Y. (2019). Effect of Oral Ingestion of Low-Molecular Collagen Peptides Derived from Skate (Raja Kenojei) Skin on Body Fat in Overweight Adults: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Marine drugs, 17(3), 157. https://doi.org/10.3390/md17030157 

[3] Woo M, Song YO, Kang KH, Noh JS. Anti-Obesity Effects of Collagen Peptide Derived from Skate (Raja kenojei) Skin Through Regulation of Lipid Metabolism. Mar Drugs. 2018 Aug 30;16(9):306. doi: 10.3390/md16090306. PMID: 30200239; PMCID: PMC6164805.

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