Nutrition and Children


Nutrition and Children

In our daily lives, our food choices are influenced by factors such as:

1. **Long-established habits:** We tend to stick with food habits we've had for years.
2. **Personal experiences:** Our individual experiences shape our preferences and aversions.
3. **Beliefs about food:** What we believe about food, nutrition, and health significantly impacts our choices.
4. **Cultural influences:** Our cultural background often plays a prominent role in shaping our food choices.
5. **Environmental factors:** External factors such as food availability and marketing also sway our decisions.

Our nutritional choices and eating habits evolve and sometimes change over time. Hence, it's crucial to address the question, "How should our eating behavior be?" starting from childhood.

In our previous articles, we provided detailed information about certain macronutrients in child nutrition. In this piece, we will establish a general framework for child nutrition and share the key principles of healthy eating for children.

First and foremost, as parents, we recognize that we are role models for our children in every aspect of life. Our food choices are no exception, and they might be the most crucial. When it comes to healthy eating, certain principles apply both to children and adults. Parents are often the most important role models for their children in this respect. We've discussed this topic in detail in our article "What to Pay Attention to in Eating Behavior" and in our YouTube video. Now, let's take a closer look at child nutrition:

**1. Mathematics on the Plate in Child Nutrition:**

If your children are reading this article, they might be saying, "Math again!" Mathematics is everywhere in our lives, even on the dining table.

At its simplest, we know that what we eat is converted into energy in our bodies. It's important to remember that energy not expended is stored in our bodies in various forms. Therefore, achieving a balance between the energy we consume from food and the energy we expend is of paramount importance. This is where the concept of "balanced nutrition" comes into play.

**2. Balance in Child Nutrition - What Is a Balanced Plate?**

We've discussed the importance of balancing the energy intake with energy expenditure. The energy that enters our bodies is primarily through the food we eat. So, ensuring control over this energy balance is critical. Particularly in the growth period of children, let's reiterate the significance of protein, which is the basic building block of our bodies. You can find more information about protein and collagen in our related blog post.

So, what is a "balanced plate"?

A balanced plate includes all essential food groups. These food groups include:

- **Dairy and dairy products** (such as yogurt, buttermilk, cheese, etc.)
- **Meat and meat products** (red meat, chicken, fish, etc.)
- **Eggs and dried legumes** (lentils, dry beans, chickpeas, etc.)
- **Nuts and seeds** (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, etc.)
- **Fresh vegetables and fruits**
- **Grains** (bulgur, rice, pasta, etc.)

In our daily lives, it's crucial to ensure that we consume these food groups in a balanced and adequate manner.

**3. Balance, But What About Portion Size?**

Portion control is an important aspect of healthy eating. What and how much we eat can significantly affect our health. Overeating healthy foods is not a healthy eating practice. For example, eating too many eggs because they are known to be healthy or consuming liters of orange juice because it's a source of vitamin C might not be beneficial. Remember, our bodies only use the energy they need, and excess energy can result in undesired weight gain. You can explore more about this in our article "How Much Protein?"

**4. Are There Any Forbidden Foods?**

The concept of "forbidden" foods can sometimes create adverse reactions in children and may lead to increased consumption of foods with lower nutritional value. Thus, we might say, "There are no prohibitions in the kitchen, but there's portion control." We can manage some "enjoyment" foods which are thought to be harmful but are favored by children by paying attention to portion sizes, energy intake, and consumption frequency. The ideal approach is not to ban these foods but to control them.

Food habits and rules may go on and on, but the most important rule is the approach and behavior of parents when it comes to healthy eating. A well-established eating routine and food habits at home not only foster healthy eating behaviors but also create an environment for family members to socialize, enjoy quality time together, and have meaningful conversations over meals.

For children to acquire sustainable and lasting eating habits, parents should communicate the importance of healthy eating to their children. Explaining why they choose certain foods, the reasons behind their food preferences, and fostering food literacy is crucial. This way, parents and children will become more knowledgeable about nutrition.

Child nutrition is a broad and diverse topic. Every child is unique, and their nutritional needs can vary. It's essential to observe your child's eating patterns and preferences, consult with healthcare professionals when needed, and, most importantly, provide a nurturing environment for them to develop healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime.

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